Saturday, 5 December 2015

Measurement Strand in Math

We have now moved on to the Measurement Strand in our Math program. In Term 1, the specific expectations for this unit include the following:

  • select and justify the most appropriate standard unit (i.e., millimetre, centimetre, decimetre, metre, kilometre) to measure length, height, width, and distance, and to measure the perimeter of various polygons; 
  • solve problems requiring conversion from metres to centimetres and from kilometres to metres
  • create, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, two dimensional shapes with the same perimeter or the same area;
  •  determine, through investigation using a variety of tools and strategies, the relationships between the length and width of a rectangle and its area and perimeter, and generalize to develop the formulas [i.e., Area = length width; Perimeter = (2 length) + (2 width)]; 
  • solve problems requiring the estimation and calculation of perimeters and areas of rectangles;

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