Wednesday 22 October 2014

Happy Diwali! Shubh Dipawali!

Shubh Dipawali to everyone celebrating the Festival of Lights! In light of today's tragic events in Ottawa let us all reflect on the significance of this festival as a reminder that light will always be victorious over darkness. Knowledge, goodness and hope will forever triumph over ignorance, evil and despair.

 On a more positive note, please view some pictures of the Diwali celebrations that my AMAZING students independently organised and coordinated. Thanks to everyone that participated and made today a success! You have not ceased to amaze me!
# celebratingdiversity

Diwali PPT

Informative Diwali Poster 

Even food was brought in!

Thanks for the samosas and sweets!

Bhangra dance - Good job!

Bharatanatyam dance! - Good job!

Another Bharatanatyam dance - good job !

Sunday 19 October 2014

Subtraction Anchor Chart

Subtraction anchor chart for learners who have a hard time grasping the concept. Nice visual to display in class. Got the idea on Pinterest! Love the catchy lines!

Subtraction made easy!

Oops! One of my students caught a mistake on the chart today. Thanks Kuwardeep! 597-121 equals 476 not 478. I knew that! Lol!


Have you ever felt like you could use a 'boost' in your self-esteem every once in a while? Well, that's the idea behind BOOSTERGRAMS!!!

Starting tomorrow, my class and I will be acknowledging the good we see in others by writing a note of gratitude. These boostergrams will be read every morning in the homeroom period. A great way to start the day - feeling valued,being recognized for a kind act or gesture and a nice boost to the spirit to last the entire day! #community building , #climateiskey

Saturday 18 October 2014

Social Studies is ...

 The upcoming Municipal Elections creates many wonderful opportunities for students to witness first hand all the excitement that comes with an actual election - campaign flyers, posters, political signage, televised debates, door to door canvassing. My students and I have been discussing the different levels of government and their roles and responsibilities. We have also been collecting flyers from the various candidates vying for the different local government positions. It's going to be a rather INTERESTING election to say the least!

Different levels of government poster independently made by a student. Thank you Agshaya!

Campaign in full gear! Newspaper ads and flyers all competing for our attention!

Next class, we'll be discussing the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens and examining various social issues prevalent in Brampton (most notably poverty). This will be a nice segue into delving deeper into the promises outlined on the various political flyers and questioning which issues each candidate prioritize. As an extension to this lesson, the students will then assess the effectiveness of actions taken by our local government to address the issue of poverty. A letter advocating for a call to action will be written and ...... who knows where it might end up? 

Goal for my students - responsible, active citizens who are critically thoughtful and informed of the issues. Agents of change!

This headline caught my attention but unfortunately it's far from being a reality. Will use this article in class to evoke some discussion.

The reality - Food Drive for a local Soup Kitchen

In the world of Science!

Here are the amazing windmills that my students made as we learn about alternative sources of energy (Wind Energy). The students were enthralled by the videos they watched but were particularly more excited to test their windmills in class! Way to go 5D! #proudteacher

Windmills and more windmills! Great job 5D!

In the world of Science ...

Grade 5 Science is simply FASCINATING!!!!!! The Energy Conservation unit is super interesting and provides a natural springboard to a lot of vibrant debate. So far we have been looking at the pros and cons of renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy by examining the long term impacts on society and the environment. Here's a glimpse of what some of my students produced for their presentation on Fossil Fuels a few weeks ago: (Just realized that there were no posters from the group that discussed coal)

Well done 5D!

Carrot Challenge!

In Health class we have been discussing Healthy Eating and what foods contribute to a well-balanced diet. We have also looked at the nutrients and vitamins in these foods. My Grade 5s were amazed at the health benefits of eating only one raw carrot a day. So, we all decided to take the Carrot Challenge! Some kids forgot their carrots this week but next week we're aiming for 100% class participation. Come on 5D, we can do this! I'm eating my carrots, are you?

Promoting lifelong health and wellness! Good job to those students that have already started the challenge! I'm pleased :-)

Next week, we'll be examining nutrition facts tables and ingredient lists on food labels in order to make healthier personal food choices. This should be interesting! Can't wait to engage my students in a discussion about the ingredients in some popular food products. 

Nutrition Education in Grade 5 - priceless! It creates savvy consumers who are more aware of healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Let's hope the lessons learned will carry over into adulthood!

What are you getting from your cereal?

Monday 13 October 2014

Math Visual Aid

Here's a lovely visual aid I made (will not take the credit, got the idea on Pinterest) that will help students become familiar with some useful Math terminology.

 Last week we focused on adding and subtracting 3 and 4 digit numbers and worked on some rich performance tasks that proved beneficial in gaining insights into my students' thinking. Here's one of the word problems (Question #6)

Here are two student samples using the 4 Square Problem Solving Model. I am quite impressed. #proud teacher

Monday 6 October 2014

Happy World Teachers Day!!!!

Happy World Teachers Day to all the outstanding, hardworking and dedicated professionals out there who are inspiring and transforming lives each and every day! Never underestimate the value of the work you do! Teaching is a calling. It's a call to give unselfish service to posterity. Although we can never tell the full reach of our influence, we can rest assured knowing quite well that we affect eternity.

We make a DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to the AWESOME (I've been using this word a lot lately!) Admin Team at Eldorado P.S for once again taking the time and effort to personally recognize each member of staff with a very nice token of appreciation. You are ALL valued and appreciated. Thanks so much!!!!!

Thank you and thanks also for your ongoing dedication to building an inclusive, collaborative and respectful climate at Eldorado!

Bath and Body Works - love their products!

Of course, not to be outdone, my AWESOME, AMAZING students decided on an impromptu surprise presentation to recognize World Teachers Day. Think confetti, singing,rapping, dancing and speech tribute! This was my second surprise in one week! Thank you for being so thoughtful. I really meant it when I said that every year I truly believe that the students in front of me are unequivocally the students that were intended to be in my care. I am honoured to be your teacher, mentor, guide, and role model.

Since I'm always talking about CHARACTER - these were the first words that came to mind when the students thought of me! Lol!