Saturday, 20 September 2014

Inspiration from Students

In my years of teaching, I have always firmly believed in the idea that students will always strive to achieve or surpass the HIGH expectations that are consistently set for them in an environment that is productive and engaging. Teachers should never underestimate the value of their presence in a room. A teacher who inspires student to do their BEST and ultimately brings out the BEST in students is probably one that first comes across as strict, nagging, talkative etc. But, my advice to new teachers is to keep on talking! Keep on giving those mini lectures. Keep on maintaining structure and discipline in your classrooms. Keep on being consistent with your expectations. Because on the receiving end are STUDENTS. They are listening, observing and most times appreciating every thing you do for them. Your steadfast belief that ALL students can learn and will learn in your class should be repeated over and over again. The students will eventually know this mantra well but most importantly, they will begin to accept that behind that 'tough love' stance is someone that genuinely cares. Someone that simply wants the BEST for them. Someone that sees their potential and will not settle for mediocrity. Someone that believes that STUDENT SUCCESS is possible for every single student. #lovemyjob

On that note, I want to share some samples of student work that I received in the past two weeks since starting Science. The work was INDEPENDENTLY done by my Grade 5 students. It all started with one girl doing some out of school research on Energy. This was after I had engaged my students in a talk about the importance of taking pride in their work and developing good work ethics. I told them I admired these qualities in students and that my expectations for them this year was that they would take the initiative to go above and beyond in everything they did. Sure enough I showered that student with a lot of praise in front of the entire class. Not surprisingly, the excellent example of that one student has inspired other students to do unassigned, independent work - from making windmills, drawings of the human body, power points, booklets etc

I am INSPIRED by my students and so ENCOURAGED. I write this post with so much pride and admiration. The future is BRIGHT. Children are truly amazing. Love and care for them.Show them the way, they are watching!
Student independent research - wow!

Student theory on Energy (too cute!)

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