Wednesday 28 March 2018

Geometry - Properties of Prisms and Pyramids

Online Review Activity -  identify specific prisms and pyramids from their nets

Group Task - investigating properties of pyramids and prisms

Some great observations were made by my students. Quiet a few patterns were found:

For Pyramids
- the number of faces and no. of vertices increase by 1 each time
- the no. of edges increase by 2 each time

For Prisms
- the no. of faces increase by 1 each time
- the no. of vertices increase by 2 and the no. of edges increase by 3 each time

- the number of faces = number of sides of shape + 2
- the number of vertices = number of sides of shape x 2
- the number of edges = number of sides of shape x 3

They also discovered Euler's Formula!

Euler's Formula  - The number of faces + the number of faces minus the number of edges always equals 2. This holds true for either pyramids or prisms.

F + V - E = 2

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