Tuesday 7 March 2017

Data Management - Pie/Circle Graphs

A circle graph shows how a category of data compares to the whole. The circle is divided into sectors.  Each sector represents a category. Each category represents a specific percent of the whole. The area of the sector is the same percent of the area of the circle. Circle graphs are easier to use when there are not too many categories. Too many sectors make a circle graph difficult to read. Circle graphs are easier to interpret when the percents are easily distinguishable. If the percents are too close in value, it is hard to see the differences in the sections.

*A circle graph shows how each category of data compares to the whole using percents. 
*The sum of all the percents in a circle graph is 100%. 
*Circle graphs are easier to interpret when there are a small number of categories and when the percent values are not too close together.

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