Saturday 7 February 2015

Snow Mountain antics!

My students are truly very HAPPY kids! It was a pleasure watching them yesterday frolicking in the sun without a care in the world. Seeing them all excited as they slid from the top of "Mount Everest" made me smile. There's nothing more beautiful than seeing kids being kids. I mentioned this to them and one girl in my class remarked that it was a shame that kids everywhere in the world could not enjoy something as simple as playing. She made reference to kids who are child labourers who are denied the right to attend school. I stood in awe and listened to her speak passionately about an issue that I also hold dear to my heart. When she was done talking she raced back up the snow mountain and asked me to take another picture of the group. I really love my job! Never a dull moment around kids! #the simple pleasures of life

Snow angel!

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